Peace Guide Services

PeaceMaker Minnesota’s Peace Guide Services provide schools with part-time Peace Guides that intervene in the lives of youth to help them learn to:

  • Resolve problems and conflicts;

  • Build and sustain positive relationships;

  • Develop their self-esteem

Specifically, the Guides help youth develop 9 skills in 3 domains:

  • Conflict Resolution: Reflective listening; Recognizing, managing, and expressing feelings and needs; and problem solving

  • Positive Relationships: Empathy, Flexibility, and Reconciliation

  • Self-Esteem: Recognizing strengths; Building support network; Practicing assertiveness

Service Objectives:

  • 80% or more of school staff members who observe the Guide’s work will indicate that:

    • Students are learning skills to resolve conflicts, build and sustain positive relationships, and to develop their self-esteem.

    • The Peace Guide is helping to improve students’ behavior.

“The Peace Guide has been very proactive and catches things sometimes that I don't see or hear as a teacher. This has been very helpful because it stops the problem before it escalates. It has given me more time to teach the curriculum.”

-Teacher, PeaceMaker Partner School


To qualify for our Peace Guide Services, schools must join the PeaceMaker Minnesota Partner School Network. Learn about becoming a Partner School.

History of Peace Guide Services:

Peace Guides were previously staffed by the South St. Paul Restorative Justice Council. The program was discontinued in 2017. PeaceMaker Minnesota re-initiated the service in 2020. We are grateful to the South St. Paul Restorative Justice Council for paving the way for these needed and valuable services.


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