Staff Bio

Carolyn Schueller, Peace Guide

If you ask her (and even if you don’t), Carolyn Schueller will tell you that Peace Guide is the best job title she has ever held, and that she is very excited to build relationships and explore conflict resolution with elementary school students.

Working to create more peaceful relationships and communities does not mean avoiding conflict. After all, without conflict, very little would change. But for conflict to be productive, it must be addressed directly. As someone who, based on personality and experience, preferred leaning away from conflict, Carolyn will tell you that productive conflict resolution requires intention and continued practice.

Since 2015, her work as a peacemaker has included civil and family mediation, restorative justice sessions, circle practice, facilitating group conversations around difficult topics, and teaching conflict resolution skills to groups and individuals. Before leaning into conflict work, Carolyn worked as a writer and editor in business and academic settings. She holds a BA and MA in English.

In addition to spending time with family and her elderly rescue Yorkie, Carolyn loves to read, listen to music and podcasts, take walks, and rock hunt.