Ambassadors for Respect Program

The award-winning Ambassadors for Respect (A4R) Program, started in 2013, brings individuals with developmental disabilities into 4th grade classrooms to teach students to include others, to use Person First language, and to advocate for themselves and others.

A collaboration with the Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities, the purpose of the program is to develop the self-advocacy of individuals with developmental disabilities and to initiate or strengthen schools’ bullying prevention efforts.

Benefits of Participating in the A4R Program

  • 1) Help reaching or enhancing the goals you have for your students or clients

    2) An illustrated, engaging A4R Training Handbook that covers every step of an A4R training to help you learn about and implement the program

    3) Partnership and Collaboration: A4R is a partnership and collaboration between the Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities, PeaceMaker Minnesota, and a growing list of Program Partner Organizations

    4) Promotion: Partner organizations will be listed on PeaceMaker Minnesota’s website, and news about their A4R work will appear on PeaceMaker’s social media, newsletter, and website

  • 1) A paycheck: Ambassadors are paid for their participation in the A4R program

    2) Increased self-advocacy and independent living skills

    3) Employment skills development

    4) Sense of purpose

    Download the A4R Program Brochure to lean more.

  • 1) A recipe to reduce bullying through inclusion, Person First Language, and advocacy

    2)Teacher Resource Guide: Following A4R training, teachers receive a Guide with ideas to help them continue anti-bullying lessons in their classrooms

    3) Clear training objectives: following A4R training, 4th grade students will be able to: list 3 ways to include others, know how to use Person First Language, and be able to list 3 ways to advocate for themselves and others

    4) Classroom community building through interactive training

    Download the A4R School Flyer to learn more.

“I'm having such a great time with this program. I love it so much. I feel like I can stand up for what's right and wrong and I love teaching kids. Thanks so much for letting me have this opportunity.”

— Ambassador, A4R Program

A Win-Win Opportunity

The A4R Program creates a win-win opportunity for individuals with developmental disabilities (Ambassadors), Program Partner Organizations, and for 4th grade students, teachers, and elementary schools.

Who Can Participate in the A4R Program

  • Program Partner Organizations: school district Transition Programs, post-secondary programs that serve people with disabilities, and Community-Based Organizations serving individuals with developmental disabilities

  • Elementary Schools: 4th grade students and teachers

Interested in your Transition Program or Organization becoming an A4R Partner Program?

Complete the A4R Partner Program Application in the link below.

Would you like to have an A4R team train your 4th grade classroom?

Please fill out the form in the link below.

For Questions or to Learn More:

Contact: Mandy Grunklee, Ambassadors for Respect Coordinator

Call: 651-631-1604
