Upcoming events

6th Annual Peacemaker Golf Tournament presented by U.S. Bank
Support South St. Paul schools while enjoying a game of golf. Proceeds go to the PeaceMaker Minnesota South St. Paul Endowment Fund to help students and staff combat bullying through compassion, respect and empathy.
The cost is $115.00 and includes: 18 holes of golf with a cart and a meal.
Prizes announced during the meal.
There will be a number of golf games and we ask you to bring cash to participate in the contests and also to purchase mulligans to use off the tee box.
$70 of the price is tax-deductible.
Thank you to our sponsors!
John & Colleen Hooley, John & Nikki Laliberte, Tom & Deborah Ratelle, Jan & Don Voight,
In Memory of: Vic Hapka, Jodelle Ista, Ken Nelson, and John Lally

"Speaking Our Peace" Literature Reading
Featuring Michael Kleber-Diggs and Margaret Hasse with guests Mary Christine Kane and Satish P. Jayaraj. Writers will read work that touches on the importance of bridging divides, fostering kindness and creating a more peaceful world.
This event is in partnership with Hamline University’s creative writing programs.
Light snacks and refershments provided.
Free, with a suggested donation of $20 to support PeaceMaker Minnesota’s mission.

Minnesota Twins Youth Supporting Bullying Prevention Recognition
The Minnesota Twins will be recognizing student representatives (chaperoned by an adult) on the field before the Sunday, 1:10 game on May 5 against the Boston Red Sox.
We’d love to have as many students as possible! Let’s show Minnesota that students care about peaceful schools.
To participate:
-Organize a fund drive at your school. The donations you raise can be designated to your school, a permanent fund for generating sustainable funding for your community, or to help more kids, grades K – 5, receive a book through our Books for Peacemakers service.
That’s it! Let us know below that you are organizing something, unless we are already in the loop.

Cribbage Tournament - 6th Annual
Please join in PeaceMaker Minnesota's cribbage tournament to help schools teach conflict resolution skills, stop bullying and prevent violence.
Registration 5:30 – 5:50. Tournament from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
The cost is a $50 donation per person, of which $30 is tax-deductible.
Food and beverages provided.
Team Tournament play. Must be 21 or older to participate, or accompanied by someone 21 or older.
If you don’t have a partner for the tournament, please reserve your spot and we will work to find you a partner.
If you know people who may be willing to be alternate for the tournament, please Dan know by email dmcneil@peacemakermn.org Alternates do not have to pay. They are available to play in the tournament if needed.