Candle Lighter Campaign
November 1 - November 16, 2023
End bullying and school violence, teach collaborative
probelm solving skills, promote peace #beacandlelighter
What is the Candle Lighter Campaign?
Please show your commitment to a more peaceful and less violent world by a donation of $10 or more.
Each gift received symbolizes a candle lit that says helping youth learn to peacefully solve problems is important to you.
Why People Like You Support PeaceMaker Minnesota
“I experienced bullying as a kid, so I know how important it would be to have a Peace Guide at a school to talk with. Learning the tools for peaceful communication is important for kids and adults. You grow up getting your way by being a bully, why change as an adult? At their root, bullying and domestic violence are similar. Let’s stop it early before it escalates.”
Mary Stadick
From other donors: Trustyworthy leadership. Compelling vision. Excellent reporting. The work done is schools is so necessary and this program has been outstanding. Helping a friend fundraise. A much needed resource to address bullying. My son studderred and was bullied in middle school. Sadly he never shared what he was going through at the time. He is grown up now and doing great! A friend asked and I think it was a worthy cause! I’m a friend of Pam Schmid. Please credit my donation to Team Pam. Great cause. To change the way bullying in handled from when I was a kid so that children no longer have to suffer from it. Have given before and my daughter, Lisa Mcleod is part of your effort. Friend Larry Margolis told me about your organization and encouraged me to support. Because we need to treat each other better. Support the mission. Shared mission! Pam Schmid is a dear friend. My daughter speaks with her Peacemaker at school frequently. She is a sensitive soul and this service has been invaluable in helping her navigate tough and confusing situations. Ashley convinced me! Presentation from Carol F and Dan M. Requested by Larry Margolis, Nathan Bunkers and Ashley Annett, Because I believe in this!, Recommendation of a dear friend, My friend, Kari told me about it, I believe in your mission, I support the mission, Karla Hill-Donisch helped me find you, Everyone benefits from the work of PeaceMakerMN, Pam Schmidt introduced me to you, Because my father (Burt) had such a positive influence on this mission and beyond, Great cause, Asked by a friend who is active Larry Margolis asked for a donation in honor of his Birthday, Its a really good idea, Cause is important in childrens social development, This is a great cause, Ashley Annett’s fundraising campaign, I am passionate about students feeling accepted, safe and not picked on at school, Nathan Bunkers and Ashley Annett, My friend shared it on Facebook, My cousin introduced me to PeaceMaker and it’s mission. He asks us to make a donation each year on his birthday, The efforts and success of PeaceMaker are inspiring, as are those of one it’s members, Gwen Gmeinder, I think bullyig is exceptionally harmful to young people but also believe that alternatives to that behavior can be taught. Dan McNeil spoke at my church on Sunday. I did not see him after mass so therefore I am donating online. Jodelle was such an avid supporter and enthusiast for this cause. I am a (West St. Paul) retired middle school teacher. it is a very worthy cause. Good age to communicate to our kids My friend Barb Pierson supports good causes. Fr Michael endorsed it. The kindness of Beatrice Bergerman. Good cause and the donation matching increases the impact of each donation. Critical need for non violent resolution skills Encouragement from a friend, Because it was recommended by Dolores Voorhees, a pacifist and a plenty smart woman. A friend in Ashley's network reached out to me and Carol spoke at Corpus Christi church, Friendship Dolores heartfelt appeal, Peace is the mission that gives motivation to every other mission. Dolores asked me, Dolores Voorhees persuaded me, Cribbage tournament, Team Carole, School bullying leads to many issues that can negatively impact individuals over their entire lives. Not only is this sad for them, but it has implications for society as a whole (mass shootings etc), The work you do is so important, not only for the children but for our community and for the future well-being of our world. Have been active supporter for a long time. Great mission John Laliberte Recommended by a friend Carole Froehle told me about Peacemakers and I appreciate you! To support Team Carole in a good cause. Great cause Carole is persuasive! team carole team carole team carole team carole team carole team carole team carole team carole team carole team carole Team Carole Great Cause! My Friend is fundraising for this worthy cause! It will help bring peace to our world! We need peace in our schools. Love their mission John Laliberte. This donation is for 4 people: Dennis Feller, Mary Harris, Susan Holmsten, Brian Vucinovich I would like to support a program that is dedicated to help schools to be a safer place for our children. Love the work of the organization. To support Pam Schmid, as part of Team Pam! Team Pam Team Pam I believe in Pam Schmid and the cause of PeaceMaker Minnesota. Contribution to TEAM PAM! Because I believe in Nick Pawlowski's work Pam Schmid is a friend and she speaks well of this organization. I believe in the in the strong resources and supports offered to schools through your Peace Guides. Friend recommended Happy to be part of Team Pam Team Pam-- always support her! Niki is truly talented in reaching out to youth. As a librarian I know how important representation and stories are to development, self worth, and confidence. I think PeaceMaker does wonderful things, I believe you can teach compassion! Peacemaking stories are important for childhood development. We need to give kids the tools to navigate conflict and choose empathy and peace. Gwen Gmeinder’s outreach I support PeaceMakers vision. Great cause! to stand up for what is right Kate Towle's tireless work inspired me I don't believe students should be bullying each other. It is a learned behavior and needs to be unlearned. I believe in the value of a peace guide in our school I believe in the peacemakers Restorative justice is very valuable Retired teacher from Kaposia Jesus spoke of children To such belong the kingdom of God and I really like Roger Worthwhile cause Great program Our kids need us to support them The world needs more empathy by all of us. Hands-on Peace Literacy development! To support peace guide at Kaposia You are making a difference! In Memory of Judy Carney Peacemakers addresses bullying Long time giver I feel our society changing, and I want to do my part to ensure it changes for the better. for Ashley! I believe in helping kids. My friend Kate Towle sent me a description of the positive work of Peacemaker that she has observed herself. Let Peace prevail! What a gift Peacemakers offers! Our children are so deserving of these tools that will set the course of their lives! We need more peace education for our children. We need to support our teachers to become teachers of peace. Because of a Friend’s involvement Kari Bunkers I have known of this organization for a number of years. I have supported this organization for a number of years. I was was asked to support this organization by Ruthena Fink There is nothing more important than ending bullying and violence. Melinda Sooy I support projects that are god for building relationships Barb Bergseth's work in this very important mission Good friend is a donor and supporter Heard from a friend Good program I’m in favor of peace I support conflict resolution in schools. Peace I have seen a need for this service in our schools. Support Mission Good cause Wonderful presentation by Carol. I love any initiative about Peace The CEO is a fellow Lion and I will support my Lion peer anytime. Good cause Amazing cause To prevent bullying Peacemakers addresses bullying Long time giver My daughter leans on the Peacemaker at her school quite often, she has been a wonderful resource. for more peace in our world Important to the people of Ramsey County my wife works for... Long time relationship and belief in the mission. My friend Pam brought the organization to my attention. The world needs more peacemakers - thanks for all you do! Very much value your work Supporting kindness in Raider Nation! I have believed in Peacemaker since working with Dan To end bullying To end bullying Great Cause Helping kids I believe in your cause and what you do! My daughter leans on the Peacemaker at her school quite often, she has been a wonderful resource. Melinda Sooy I support the work that PeaceMaker does. My friend is very involved in your organization - and I know you do great work!
How Your Support is Compounded
New Brighton Lions Club will add $10 to every donation made up to 500 donations.
Traditional Mortgage, Expedition Credit Union and Dan & Kari Rominiski will combine to contribute $1,000 for every day we received 30 or more donations, up to $12,000.
Your gift of $10 generates $53 for anti-bullying and violence prevention training!
Thank You to These Generous Donors!
Nov 1 Donors: 31 donations - challenge met! - Marie Anderson, Tracy Bains-Bueltel, Ron Bisek, Judy and Richard Borgen, Kari Bunkers, Dave Burrill, Dakota County Employees, Jeff From N.E. Kiwanis Club, Karen Getty, Deborah Guthrie, Tracy Harris, Eric Hendrickson, Tricia Johnson, Elizabeth Malo, Dan McNeil, Milkweed Movie Team, Kay Miller, Tess Alisha Olofson-Custard, Jane Pierce, Lorene & Jim Roste, Steven Roste, Sharon Schmickle, Stanley Stelter, Rebecca Surmont, Jay Weberling, Patrick Whelan and Anonymous Donors (5)
Nov 2 Donors: 30 donations - challenge met! - Ashley Annett, Abbie Austin, Carrie Blandin, Katherine Blandin, Luke Bunkers, Brian Bunkers, Bridget Castaneda, Javier Castaneda, Terry & Christine Conrad, Tom Coughlin, Susan Coughlin, Steve & MJ Haschig, Mark Hiemenz, Larry Johnson, Katy Koestler, Michael Lang, Matt Nelson, Anna Oksnevad, Julie Penshorn, Kathryn Robbins, Christina Roste, Lorene Roste, Scott Roste, Jennifer Schaller, Carri Stuhr, Heather & Bradley Timmons, Dolores Voorhees, Karen Youso, Anonymous Donors (2)
Nov 3 Donors: 31 donations - challenge met! - Carol Baker, Joel Berlowe, Shirley Bradway, Gina Bunkers, Todd A. Bunkers, Angela Daly, Aubrey Donisch, Kirk Dornfeld, Robert Gazzola, Monica Hanson, Karla Hill-Donisch, James Higgins, Janice Johnson, Doug & Linda Jones, Lani Jordan, Mary Kelly, Jill Kielblock, Elizabeth Kienholz, League of Minnesota Cities employees, Rebecca Lindholm, Mary Loveless, Anne McFaul-Reid, Audrey Schwenck State of Minnesota Employees, Colleen Wieck, and Anonymous Donors (6)
Nov 4 Donors: 32 donations - challenge met! - Mary Erpelding, James Smith, Marissa Szody, Members of St. Alphonsus Catholic Church (17), Members of the Church of Corpus Christi (11) and anonymous donor (1)
Nov 5 Donors: 109 donations - challenge met! - Anne Embrey, Laura Phillip, Tiffany Geis, Angelo and Pamela Louisa, Rita Johnson, Karin Margolis, Ron Zweber, Michael Phillips, Laurence Margolis, Gayle Appelbaum, Mary-Ellen Briel, Susan Rivard, Anonymous Donors (2), Members of St. Alphonsus Catholic Church (71 including Chindo Mariana, Carr Kpanyor, Maya Ignabode, Charlottte Brown, Judy Turnberg, Philomene & Justin Attipore, Blessing Kolaru, Arlene Petersen, Jim and Jean Stalberger, Andrew Eromobor, Luz Zagal, Caroline Passah, Pat Campbell, Richard Schwalter, edwina Katta Collins, Otemu Joy Graham), Corpus Christi members (24 including DeeAnn Stenlund, Deb Peterson, JoAnn Winter, Margaret Meyers, Lori Roger, Donna Day Kin, Nancy Olson, Sara Vetter, Valerie Romanoski, Lori Tierney, Jill Klausing, Glenn Skuta, Danielle Rory Hendrickson, Steve Baldwin, Leo Jean Malone, Wade Logeais) and Members of the Church of Corpus Christi (24)
Nov 6 Donors: 32 donations - challenge met! - Nancy Arnold, Robert & Kelly Boucher, Gayle Brotzler, Jennifer Christensen, Richard Clark, John & Nancy Conlin, Lynn Englund, Ruthena & Douglas Fink, Mark & Lois Finney, Gwendolyn & Tom Gmeinder, Vivian Greeninger, Deborah Guthrie, Gregory & Trisha Heimann, Susan Heinz, Mark & Lora Kraus, John & Nikki Laliberte, Jackie Lannin, Marion London, Mette McLoughlin, Dan McNeil, Barbara Moorhead, John Murphy, Barbara Pierson, Julie Rapacki, Carolyn Schueller, Mary Stadick, Mary Jane Steinhagen, Maya Stucky, Valerie Swenson, Joan & Steve Tusa, Janine Whited and Anonymous Donors (2)
Nov 7 Donors: 30 donations challenge met!- Mary Cress Berlowe, Satya Blons, Ann Boekhoff, Donna & Ward Budde, Central Middle School PTO, Patricia Cummings, Elizabeth Deretich, Mary Heer-Forsberg, Jane Hensen, Janet Humphrey, St. John the Baptist, New Brighton Knights of Columbus Council #14250, Adele Lennig, Jina Lien, Susan Maxson, Molly McNeil, Margaret Meier, Monticello Public School District employees, Joan Pasiuk, Progeny Academy, Anthony & Dian Roszak, Robert Seidel, Monica Shearon, St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, Valerie Swenson, Megan Voorhees, and Anonymous Donors (5)
Nov 8 Donors: 43 donations challenge met! - Colleen Adler, Annie Breitenbucher, Charles Blomme, Laura Christopher, Melody Holland-Rehder, Sandra Ill, Lisa Jensen, Julie Larson, Anita Lee, Bob Martinez, Debora Martinez, Marie McCafferty, Vitaliy Pechenuk, Curtis Rahman, Jim Rice, Mary Stadick, Deb Stine, Jeanne & Richard Toews, Brian & Joann Vucinovich, Jennifer Vucinovich, Barbara Westrem, Loralee Wick and Anonymous Donors (8)
Nov 9 Donors: 55 donations challenge met! - Elizabeth Adams, Diane Albright, Shannon Amundson, Meg Arnosti, Dan Berg, Rachel Blanford, Elizabeth Brenner, Hannah Burton, Lori Butler, Charles Caranicas, Hayla Drake, Brian Drake, Shari Drake, Oliver & Kristen Drake, Anne Embrey, Ellen Frerich, Scott Glaser, Milo Glaser, Mandy Grunklee, Margaret Hasse, Marilyn Hoegemeyer, Welcome Jerde, Heather Johnson Ross, Joanna Lees, Lewis Leung, Kristen Mastel, Gail Milstein, Jennifer Mischke, Jennifer Mischke, Jeanette Offerdahl, Helen Loing, Sara Packard, Marianna Padilla, James H. Parker, Henry Pawlowski, Nicholas Pawlowski, Erika Ryan, Christine V. Schaerf, Pam Schmid, Diane Scholten, Kathy Schramm, Joe Schramm and Anonymous Donors (9)
Nov 10 Donors: 30 donations - challenge met! - Sue & Harvey Anderson, Jeanne Argos, Geraldine Bares, Keith & Ann Bares, Frances Delia, Stacy Elliott, Joni Farris, Pierce Fleming, Sharon & Bradley Fong, Kip & LaVonne Francis, Lori Gleason, Brian Goodspeed, Nathan & Kathleen Grenz, Paul & Denise Jacobsen, Elsie Johnson, Barbara Kelly, John & Nikki Laliberte, Nanette Lee, Peter Lokhorst, Tammy Orning, Otto & Mary Ann Palmer, Michael Phillips, Roger Thompson, Christine Thompson, Kathleen & Jeff Towle, Jodi White, Mark Ziebarth and Anonymous Donors (3)
Nov 11 Donors: 30 donations - challenge met! - Carol Bidwell, Virginia Bjerke Ohman, Beth Blackledge, Richard & Katherine Braun, Jim Colten, James & Mrs. James Denn, Dennis & Nickie Dillon, Marlene Donaldson, Naomi Dorau, Sue Doyscher, Shari Drake, Shelly and Joseph Forester, Ram & Neena Gada, Mary Pat Goodwin, Janna Halsrud, Kathleen & Jim Henderson, Ann & Sidney Jarrett, Elsie Johnson, Larry Kopp, Moorhead Public School District employees, Cheri Nelson, Julie Penshorn, Joyce Rasmussen, Susan Ring deRosset, Lawrence & Robin Ross, Art Stoeberl, Carol Weber, Bruce & Alisa Weber, Mark Ziebarth
Nov 12 Donors: 42 donations - challenge met! - Karen Anderson, Carl & Deb Anderson, Cathy Bergeron, Barb Bergseth, Arlene Bergseth, Dave Breeden, Evelyn Breeden, Tim & Marian Briggs, Kathy Casey, Carla & Ray Erpelding, Kimberly Gehrts, Ron & Elsie Graf, Jo Halverson, Jim & Amy Hauge, Judy & David Jerde, Veronica Johnson, Naomi Jones, Joyce Jose, Marie Kuglin, John & Nikki Laliberte, Kirk Larson, Barb Miller, Amy & Peter Neuswanger, Mary O'Hara, Sarah Olson, Bill & Jan Pappin, Dan & Sara Patton, Ann Perkins, Mike & Beth Robertson, Scott Roste, Lorene & Jim Roste, Elaine Santiago, Sue Sattler, Jim Sawyer, Pam Schmid, Kris Schmidt, Kami Sgott, James & N. Jeanne Smith, Rita & Ronald Spiess, Dan Spiess, Michele & Carroll Vance, Steven Walker
Nov 13 Donors: 31 donations - challenge met! - Greg Anderson, Anonymous Donor, Cheryl & Daniel Baldwin, Joan Berge, Kathryn Berger, Arlene Bergseth, Bev Blomgren, Mary Brennan, Kathy Casey, Bill Coughlan, Gretchen Erpelding, Dana Grieme, Laura Grieme, Kathleen & Jim Henderson, Katherine Johannes, Janet Johnson, Jeremy Lutz, David Lutz, Cynthia Lutz, Susan Myran, John Nelson, Cheri Nelson, Kris Schmidt, Carol Schneeweis, James & N. Jeanne Smith, Melinda Sooy, Jeff Sooy, Esther Wagner, Mary Willette, Barbara and Mike Zins
Nov 14 Donors: 37 donations - challenge met! - Sally Alexander, Kari Bunkers, Rebecca Cramer, Judy & Carl (Buzz) Cummins, Hayla Drake, Mike & Linda Fahey, Ruthena Fink, Douglas Fink, Amelia Fink, Gwendolyn & Tom Gmeinder, Angela Guerrero, Diane Henry, Jane LaFontsee, Sabrina Lau, Lisa & David Leonidas, Maplewood North Lions, Michael McDonald, Mike McNeil, Monticello Public School District employees, Cheri Nelson, John Nelson, Cheri Nelson, Ward Nelson, Barbara Pierson, Thomas J. & Deborah L. Ratelle, Stephanie & Christopher Richter, Scott Roste, Mary Stadick, Caren Stelson, Roger Sternberg, Jane Swanson-Wilken, Travel Escape Room, Kathleen Vellenga, Jane Zirbol and Anonymous Donor
Nov 15 Donors: 35 donations - challenge met! - Uriah Blatherwick, Brittany Crock, Mike Dowd, Hayla Drake, Linda Foster, John Frundt, David & Angie Frundt, Todd & Mindy Golly, Buzz & Pam Hanson, Jodi Hanson, Emily Hardy, Michelle & Sam Heichel, Apryl Henry, Christina Hillquist, Karen Hintz, Ted Holston, Edeth James, St. Anthony Kiwanis Club, Sandra McDonald, Shawn Morrison, Hannah Nellis, Cheri Nelson, Marci Newmann, Therese & Randall Olson, Kim Pavelka, Connie Perez, Brandon Reichel, Theresa Reichel, Carol Shattuck, Mary Stadick, Joy Thao, Wendy Webster, and Anonymous Donor
Nov 16: 127 donations - challenge met! - Paul Amundson, Eric & Julie Anderson, Ashley Annett, Anonymous Donor, Colleen Armacanqui, Sheri Ayaquica, Amanda Bacon, Dwinell Michael Baumann, Lynn Belgea, Barb Bergseth, Paul Blomgren, Anthony & Kathleen Bona, Matt Bona, Maurice Bruggeman, Bruggeman Realty & Tax, Matt Burgess, Michelle Calvert, Rita Anne Casey, Michelle Chamberlain, Janet Collins, Anne Cowley, Karen & Howard Cronin, Dakota County Employees, Wm. Christopher Downey, Hayla Drake, Mike Engelhardt, Rose & Lee Englund, Dennis Erno, Expedition Credit Union, John Frundt, Susan & Evan Furr, Paula Gajewski Mickelson, Gwendolyn & Tom Gmeinder, Erik Goodmanson, Vivian Greeninger, Kevin Griffin, Lynda Haemig, Diane Haugesag, Lisa Hensel, Karla Hill-Donisch, Vanya Hogen, Paul & Denise Jacobsen, Mary A. Jungmann, Karen Kaplan, Vincent King, Martin Lachen, John & Nikki Laliberte, Sarah Litz, Laurence & Karin Margolis, Dylan McAlpine, Lisa McLeod, Amy McNeil, Dan McNeil, Mary Louise & Doug Menikheim, Kelly Michel, Michael Moore, John Nelson, Cheri Nelson, Matt Nelson, John & Kari Niedfeldt-Thomas, Sharon Nolte, Tess Alisha Olofson-Custard, Diane Patch, Nicholas Pawlowski, Barbara Pierson, Mary Pucel, Lynn & Paul Redlinger, Matthew & Christine Reynolds, Jamie Reynolds, Scott Roste, Pam Schmid, P & D Schmitz, William & Cathy Smith, Joanne Smith, Mary Stadick, Dick & Karen Steinle, Deborah Thayer, Doris Thimmesh, Victoria & Daniel Vogel, Cheryl & Wesley Volkenant, Dolores Voorhees, JoAnn & Joseph Ward, Steve White, Aliya White, Stanley, Martha, Ella & Lydia White
Donation Dedications
In honor of the End of the Apartheid in South Africa, in honor of Pam Schmid, on behalf of Pam Schmid, in memory of George, Dedicated to Team Pam, In memory of Burt Berlowe, In honor of Larry Margolis - In honor of your birthday and all the good that you do in the world. We love you! Happy Birthday!, Dedicated to Scott Roste, In honor of Larry Margolis, In Honor of Bob and Bea Bruggeman, In memory of Jodelle Ista, In Honor of Dolores Voorhees, Dedicated to Dolores Voorhees, Dedicated to Beatrice Bruggeman, In Memory of Craig Lien, on behalf of Team Carole (x24), In Memory of my brother Gary Limborg, Dedicated to Pam Schmid, in memory of Patricia Schmid, Dedicated to Dan Berg, Dedicated to all of the Peace Guides - Carolyn, Cera, Leah and Mandy!, In honor of the work that Pam and others are doing!, Dedicated to Henry Pawlowski, In memory of Bob and Bea Bruggeman, In memory of Jodelle Ista, In memory of Jodelle Ista, Dedicated to Jodelle Ista, Dedicated to Roger Da Man Thompson, On behalf of John Laliberte - Kaposia, Dedicated to Burt Berlowe, In Memory of Jodelle Ista, In Memory of Burt, Dedicated to Melinda Sooy (x3), In Memory of Marth Sternberg (x2), Dedicated to Marth Sternberg (x2), Dedicated to Bob and Bea Bruggeman, On Behalf of Kate Towle, In Memory of Bob and Bea Bruggeman, In Honor of Martha Sternberg (x3), In honor of Mary Elmstrand, the first Peace Guide for PeaceMaker Minnesota!, In Memory of Denise Timmerman, In Memory of Sharon Schmid, In Honor of John Laliberte, Dedicated to our partner schools that have Peace Guides: Kaposia Education Center, Notre Ecole French Immersion School, Progeny Academy, and St. Alphonsus Catholic School, Dedicated to Team Carole (x4), In Memory of Bob & Bea Bruggeman, In honor of The South St. Paul Restorative Justice Council for having the initial vision to have Peace Guides in schools!, In Memory of Jodelle Ista.
Thank You to our Team Leaders!
Mike McNeil, Scott Roste, Barb Pierson, Terry Fleetham, Ruthena Find, Pam Schmid, Karla Hill-Donisch, Nate Bunkers, Dolores Voohees, Seth Ralston, Scott Roste, Carole Forehle, Melinda Sooy, John Laliberte, Barb Bergseth, Matthias Tollefson, Kate Towle, Bridget Castaneda, Gwen Gmeinder, Brandon Reichel, Mary Stadick, Beth Milligan, Kari Bunkers, Matt Burgess, Angie Frundt, Mark Ziebarth, Kathy Johannes, Ashley Annett, Dan McNeil, Mandy Grunklee, Jack Frundt, Hayla Drake, Jim Smith, Brian Vucinovich, Naomi Dorau, Tom Gallagher and Hans Simon, Larry Margolis, Roger Thompson, Rachel Frazin, Laurie Schroeder, The Story Table Foundation, St. Anthony Kiwanis, Paul Jacobsen
Thank You to our Faith Community Partners for Facilitating Gifts in Support of Peacemaking Education
Corpus Christi Catholic Church, St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, St. Peter Claver Catholic Church, United Methodist in St. Anthony, and North Church in North St. Paul
Join Us: Be a Team Leader
What Will I Have to Do as a Team Leader?
It’s easy. Just follow these steps:
Give just $10 or more on one day between November 1 and November 17, 2022.
Generate 5, 11, or 23 more gifts of $10 or more — on the same day — either by giving the gifts yourself or asking others to join you. You can ask friends, family members, co-workers, classmates, neighbors, business associates members of your church or other group, and others!
Tell us what you would like your team to donate to - where funds are needed most, or for a specific service or project.