You are Inspiring Fourth Graders to Include Others

You are helping youth to develop new attitudes and skills to stop bullying through the Ambassadors for Respect program. Students learn relational skills, saying “I will try to include others more, stand up for people and myself, stop being mean to my brother,” Others learn to stand up for themselves and others, saying “I will help stop bullying. Don’t call people names and be an advocate,” and “I will not make fun of others and help instead.”

Ambassadors for Respect (A4R) brings individuals with developmental disabilities into fourth-grade classrooms. The trainings show kids how to be inclusive, use kind, Person First Language, and be an advocate for oneself and others. The skills gained have profound effects on the students, as seen in the comments “I will stand up for others and help stop the bullying,” and “I will try to include others more, stand up for people and myself, stop being mean to my brother.”

Regarding bullying, one student resolved “I will not make fun of others and help instead.”

Teachers find the A4R program invaluable, with testimonials like “Ambassadors spoke from the heart! It had an amazing message that really spoke to the students well,” and “The activities were impactful, and you involved each student.”

Impact reports show that 100% of teachers would like their class to receive an Ambassadors for Respect training next year.

Your donations allowed 48 Ambassadors to deliver 49 Ambassadors for Respect trainings at twenty-one schools — from Willmar to St. Paul — to 1,107 students during Spring 2023.

If you know a fourth-grade class that could benefit from the program, please email us at


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